WakeUpLand In the News
Here are a few places that have mentioned WakeUpLand in the media, as well as a collection of our press releases. Do you know of any articles written about WakeUpLand that aren't featured below? Please contact us with where and when you saw it so we can add it to this page.
I guess the service is for those people who have yet to figure out those new fangled gadgets with a built in alarm, clock and radio. What do you call them? Oh yeah, alarm clock radios. Okay, that was a tad sarcastic. I mean, who hasn’t managed to mess up setting their alarm clock radio at least once? And there is always the chance of a power outage during the night. Maybe subscribing to a wake up call service means you’re responsible, not stupid.

David Batchelor, [co-]owner of WakeupLand says a lot of parents use his service. They are using it for their college students to make sure that their kids actually get up in the morning, Batchelor said. They sign up their kid’s cell phone number, and then that way they can be sure that their son or daughter gets up for class. We have a lot of people who are diabetics [using the wake-up calls], people that have a hard time waking up in the morning. And we have older people who use it for a medication reminder.

The wake-up call has become more than just a phone call. Customers can determine what they want to hear on the other end of the line. The Web site offers options such as a joke of the day, fun facts and sports reports.

Touted as a reliable and convenient alternative to the alarm clock, ... WakeUpLand is an automated, personalized wake-up call service. No longer just the purview of hotels, wake-up calls can come to you wherever you are. The [service] makes calls to any phone, land line or cellular, in the United States and Canada.

Need help with your New Year's Resolution? WakeUpLand.com is offering 500 FITNESS readers one month of daily wake-up calls for free. See page 138 for details. No more snoozing through your a.m. workout!

WakeUpLand Press Releases
WakeUpLand Announces the Arrival of WakeUpLand Version 3

Waking up on time is hard for many people in today's busy world. The release of WakeUpLand Version 3, a new and improved wake-up service, offers more options than ever before and has become the solution for many people.
New features have been added that further enhance the functionality of their current wake-up service. Being a pioneer of internet wake-up services, the company uses the latest in automated digital technology and strives to offer an affordable and reliable program to its customers. Among the many new additions is an updated call back feature. This feature now allows the option of assigning zero or up to five call backs on a scheduled wake-up call...
READ MOREOnline Wake Up Service Takes It To The Next Level

Born in a dorm room at the University Of Central Florida back in 1999, WakeUpLand.com was created from the ground up by students David Batchelor & Chris Casale. After realizing there were no online wake up services they decided to put it to the test and setup WakeUpLand.com, manually taking orders and doing the wake up calls themselves. After too many early mornings & sleepless nights they decided to take it to the next level and automate the wake up calls. Since then WakeUpLand.com has helped thousands of people who wanted a different way to get out of bed in the mornings than the usual...